Jennifer Hayes

Jennifer Hayes was certified as a Rolfer® at The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado in 1990. Followed by a Rolfing® Movement Teacher certification in 1992. Since that time she has dedicated herself to her Rolfing® Practice as well as completing certification training in: Visceral Manipulation, Spinal Mechanics, Trauma Therapy, and Rolf Movement.

She then proceeded to earn the Advanced Rolfing® Certification from the Rolf Institute® in June 1998 . She holds an additional certification in Cranial Sacral Therapy, from Toronto’s Cranial Therapy Center , completed in January of 2010. Her training in Somatic Experiencing includes education with the Somatic Experiencing International in Burlington Vermont and an advanced year in Garrison New York from 2009-2012.

She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre and Dance  from University of Guelph. Click here to read some praise for Jennifer and her work at The Rolfing Studio.

Jennifer has a thirst for learning, she continues to seek out the edge of knowledge in her field.